The goal of this article is to have a working JPA2 layer on top of a data model by writting 0 (yes ZERO) lines of code.
Lazuly-db is a opensource database hosted on googlecode that represents the structure of a database holding conference related informations.
Lazuly-db will be used as a showcase of various MinuteProject technology tracks.
In version 0.1 it has 13 tables, 2 views.
This article explains the different steps to quickly have a working JPA2 backend.
It is furthermore a tutorial on how to enrich the database model to get customized artifacts providing specific behaviour.
The purpose is to give to user enough material to customize it and go on extending your model.
MinuteProject short story
The idea behind minuteproject is to
- go fast;
- reduce the technology learning curve by knowledge cristalization;
- improve the quality of the artifact;
- shorten drastically the time to market of the product.
While most of existing reverse-engineering solution focus on one part of your architecture (Domain Object), MinuteProject can generate artifacts related to:
- columns;
- entities (tables,views);
- stored procedures;
- package;
- model;
- application.
Reusability allows to bundle common behavior into a package/framework/specification in order to use them but not to code them.
Reproductability allows to reach the same quality of artifacts (config/classes...) matching a target architecture (reused) although the context changes (DB model).
JPA2 track
JPA2 is a JEE specification for persisting objects in a database.
MinuteProject 4 JPA2 (release 0.5.5) offers a reverse-engineering solution targeting JPA2 artifacts:
- Java Entity classes for tables and views;
- JPA2 metamodel;
- persistence xml;
- maven pom.xml;
- vendor specific implementation;
- querydsl integration.
Operating principle
MinuteProject works with a configuration file.
This file holds the information regarding the model and how to enrich it. It also specifies the target bundle of templates for a technology track.
Lazuly DB main entities: The schema below resumes the lazuly DB main entities (tables/views) and theirs relationships.

This part summarizes the different configurations used:
Here is the sample xml configuration that is applied to the model
<!DOCTYPE root>The configuration provides:
<model name="conference" version="1.0" package-root="">
<!-- <model name="lazuly" version="1.0" package-root="mp.demo"> -->
<driver name="mysql" version="5.1.16" groupId="mysql"
<!-- for Oracle and DB2 please set the schema <schema> </schema> -->
<primaryKeyPolicy oneGlobal="true">
<primaryKeyPolicyPattern name="autoincrementPattern"></primaryKeyPolicyPattern>
<!-- <generation-condition> <condition type="exclude" startsWith="DUAL"></condition>
</generation-condition> -->
<business-package default="conference">
<condition type="package" startsWith="STAT" result="statistics"></condition>
<condition type="package" startsWith="COUNTRY" result="admin"></condition>
<condition type="package" startsWith="ROLE" result="admin"></condition>
<column-naming-convention type="apply-strip-column-name-suffix"
pattern-to-strip="_ID" />
type="apply-referenced-alias-when-no-ambiguity" is-to-plurialize="true" />
<entity name="PRESENTATION">
<field name="STATUS">
<property tag="checkconstraint" alias="presentation_status">
<property name="PROPOSAL" value="PROPOSAL" />
<property name="ACTIVE" value="ACTIVE" />
<entity name="SPONSOR">
<field name="STATUS">
<property tag="checkconstraint" alias="sponsor_status">
<property name="PENDING" value="PENDING" />
<property name="ACTIVE" value="ACTIVE" />
<field name="PRIVILEGE_TYPE">
<property tag="checkconstraint" alias="sponsor_privilege">
<property name="GOLDEN" value="Golden" />
<property name="SILVER" value="Silver" />
<property name="BRONZE" value="Bronze" />
<!-- views -->
<entity name="stat_mb_per_ctry_conf" alias="MEMBER_PER_COUNTRY_AND_CONFERENCE">
<virtual-primary-key isRealPrimaryKey="true">
<property name="virtualPrimaryKey" value="ID" />
<entity name="stat_mb_by_role" alias="MEMBER_PER_ROLE_COUNTRY_AND_CONFERENCE">
<virtual-primary-key isRealPrimaryKey="true">
<property name="virtualPrimaryKey" value="id" />
<field name="stat_mb_per_ctry_conf_ID" linkToTargetEntity="stat_mb_per_ctry_conf"
<target refname="JPA2" fileName="mp-template-config-JPA2.xml"
outputdir-root="../../dev/output/JPA2" templatedir-root="../../template/framework/jpa">
<property name="add-querydsl" value="2.1.2"></property>
<property name="add-jpa2-implementation" value="hibernate"></property>
<target refname="LIB" fileName="mp-template-config-bsla-LIB-features.xml"
- A model name: conference, version and package root;
- the driver as maven reference;
- connection parameters;
- primarykey policy (autoincrement)
- business packages: entities starting with stat go to 'statistics'...;role, countries goes in administration package
- convention: strip-column-name-suffix _ID (by convention in the database, I have column naming ending with '_ID' for foreign key. Here the Java naming convention can defer from the DB naming
- convention: apply-referenced-alias-when-no-ambiguity indicating that when a table has a one2many relationship with other (i.e. has child), if it has not 2 children with the same other side table (no ambiguity) than the name of the variable is based on the other side table, and plurialized (english) collections
- Entity enrichment: name alias (can have a distinct Java class name than the one derived from the DB);
- Field enrichment: provide a check constraint that becomes a Java Enum
- Entity (views) enrichment by providing them a primary key (create a unique key) by adding foreignkey.
Those indications are used to generate pom.xml and persistence.xml files.
Sources and installation
Lazuly project
Svn the source as describe on
Install mysql
run conference-db.0.1.sql on schema conference
Download and install minuteproject 0.5.5 or higher. Minuteproject is installed in MP_HOME.
- Copy the file into %MP_HOME%/mywork/config
- Adapt the connection parameters in mp-config-CONFERENCE-JPA2.xml
- from a command line execute: generate-model.(sh/cmd) mp-config-CONFERENCE-JPA2.xml
Alternate execution
- Open minuteproject console %MP_HOME%/bin/start-console.(cmd/sh)
- field the connection parameters
- add package root and model name
- click generate
The output can be browsed at
Here are some samples of what has been generated in terms of
Here the structure open with as an eclipse-maven project

Java class as JPA2 entity with enumeration, OneToMany, ManyToOne, ManyToMany
You can note that the field 'abstract' in the table 'presentation' is converted to 'abstractName' to avoid compilation error. This is true for all the java reserved keywords. The getter and setter are adapted accordingly.
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.HashSet;
import javax.persistence.*;
* <p>Title: Presentation</p>
* <p>Description: Domain Object describing a Presentation entity</p>
@Entity (name="Presentation")
@Table (name="presentation")
public class Presentation {
@Id @Column(name="id" )
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
private Long id;
@Column(name="start_time", nullable=false, unique=false)
private Timestamp startTime;
@Column(name="end_time", nullable=false, unique=false)
private Timestamp endTime;
@Column(name="abstract", length=500, nullable=false, unique=false)
private String abstractName;
@Column(name="title", length=255, nullable=false, unique=false)
private String title;
@Enumerated (EnumType.STRING)
private PresentationStatusEnum status;
@Column(name="proposal_time", nullable=true, unique=false)
private Timestamp proposalTime;
@ManyToOne (fetch=FetchType.LAZY )
@JoinColumn(name="presentation_place_id", referencedColumnName = "id", nullable=true, unique=false )
private PresentationPlace presentationPlaceId;
@OneToMany (, fetch=FetchType.LAZY, mappedBy="presentationId", cascade=CascadeType.REMOVE)//, cascade=CascadeType.ALL)
private Set <Evaluation> evaluations = new HashSet<Evaluation>();
private Set <Speaker> speakers = new HashSet <Speaker> ();
* Default constructor
public Presentation() {
public Long getId() {
return id;
public void setId (Long id) { = id;
public Timestamp getStartTime() {
return startTime;
public void setStartTime (Timestamp startTime) {
this.startTime = startTime;
public Timestamp getEndTime() {
return endTime;
public void setEndTime (Timestamp endTime) {
this.endTime = endTime;
public String getAbstractName() {
return abstractName;
public void setAbstractName (String abstractName) {
this.abstractName = abstractName;
public String getTitle() {
return title;
public void setTitle (String title) {
this.title = title;
public PresentationStatusEnum getStatus() {
return status;
public void setStatus (PresentationStatusEnum status) {
this.status = status;
public Timestamp getProposalTime() {
return proposalTime;
public void setProposalTime (Timestamp proposalTime) {
this.proposalTime = proposalTime;
public PresentationPlace getPresentationPlaceId () {
return presentationPlaceId;
public void setPresentationPlaceId (PresentationPlace presentationPlaceId) {
this.presentationPlaceId = presentationPlaceId;
public Set<Evaluation> getEvaluations() {
if (evaluations == null){
evaluations = new HashSet<Evaluation>();
return evaluations;
public void setEvaluations (Set<Evaluation> evaluations) {
this.evaluations = evaluations;
public void addEvaluations (Evaluation evaluation) {
public Set<Speaker> getSpeakers() {
if (speakers == null){
speakers = new HashSet<Speaker>();
return speakers;
public void setSpeakers (Set<Speaker> speakers) {
this.speakers = speakers;
public void addSpeakers (Speaker speakers) {
You can note the 'equals (string s)' method which is quite handy.
package;Java class as JPA2 entity for view
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public enum SponsorPrivilegeTypeEnum {
private final String value;
SponsorPrivilegeTypeEnum(String v) {
value = v;
public String value() {
return value;
public static SponsorPrivilegeTypeEnum fromValue(String v) {
for (SponsorPrivilegeTypeEnum c : SponsorPrivilegeTypeEnum.values()) {
if (c.value.equals(v)) {
return c;
return null;
* Return a list that contains all the enumeration values
* @return List<SponsorPrivilegeTypeEnum> the that contains all the enumeration values
public static List<SponsorPrivilegeTypeEnum> getList() {
List<SponsorPrivilegeTypeEnum> list = new ArrayList<SponsorPrivilegeTypeEnum>();
for (SponsorPrivilegeTypeEnum c : SponsorPrivilegeTypeEnum.values()) {
return list;
* @param value
* @return boolean : true if the value exist in the enum
public static boolean contains (String value) {
for (SponsorPrivilegeTypeEnum c : SponsorPrivilegeTypeEnum.values()) {
if (c.toString().equals(value))
return true;
return false;
public static boolean containsValue (String value) {
for (SponsorPrivilegeTypeEnum c : SponsorPrivilegeTypeEnum.values()) {
if (c.value().equals(value))
return true;
return false;
public boolean equals (String s) {
if (s==null) return false;
return s.equals(value);
You can note the enrichment performed is translated into different Java and DB naming conventions for the entity itself as well as its dependencies.
Now you can use the view for all the JPA2 select operations.
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.HashSet;
import javax.persistence.*;
* <p>Title: MemberPerCountryAndConference</p>
* <p>Description: Domain Object describing a MemberPerCountryAndConference entity</p>
@Entity (name="MemberPerCountryAndConference")
@Table (name="stat_mb_per_ctry_conf")
public class MemberPerCountryAndConference {
@Id @Column(name="id" ,length=300)
private String id;
@Column(name="country", length=45, nullable=false, unique=false)
private String country;
@Column(name="conference_name", length=255, nullable=false, unique=false)
private String conferenceName;
@Column(name="number", nullable=false, unique=false)
private Long number;
@OneToMany (, fetch=FetchType.LAZY, mappedBy="statMbPerCtryConfId", cascade=CascadeType.REMOVE)//, cascade=CascadeType.ALL)
private Set <MemberPerRoleCountryAndConference> memberPerRoleCountryAndConferences = new HashSet<MemberPerRoleCountryAndConference>();
* Default constructor
public MemberPerCountryAndConference() {
public String getId() {
return id;
public void setId (String id) { = id;
public String getCountry() {
return country;
public void setCountry (String country) { = country;
public String getConferenceName() {
return conferenceName;
public void setConferenceName (String conferenceName) {
this.conferenceName = conferenceName;
public Long getNumber() {
return number;
public void setNumber (Long number) {
this.number = number;
public Set<MemberPerRoleCountryAndConference> getMemberPerRoleCountryAndConferences() {
if (memberPerRoleCountryAndConferences == null){
memberPerRoleCountryAndConferences = new HashSet<MemberPerRoleCountryAndConference>();
return memberPerRoleCountryAndConferences;
public void setMemberPerRoleCountryAndConferences (Set<MemberPerRoleCountryAndConference> memberPerRoleCountryAndConferences) {
this.memberPerRoleCountryAndConferences = memberPerRoleCountryAndConferences;
public void addMemberPerRoleCountryAndConferences (MemberPerRoleCountryAndConference memberPerRoleCountryAndConference) {
Since it generate a pom.xml, download maven and run 'mvn install'
It generates the lazuly backend jar containing the entities, the metamodel and the querydsl classes.
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