Sunday, November 1, 2009

MinuteProject 0.4 Release download

MinuteProject 0.4 release contains the following generation capabilities
  • Generation for persistence layers (hibernate, JPA, iBatis)
  • Generation for Spring configuration files
  • Generation for Fitnesse
It allows the user to create full stack DAO backend with advanced CRUD functionalities.

It also provides a quick way to perform BDD (Behavior Driven Development) with FitNesse when working with a Database:
  • Generate FitNesse Wiki Snippets to integrate in your Business Scenario Pages
  • Generate FitNesse Fixture classes to brigde integrate your CRUD snippet with your Database.

1 comment:

  1. Keep up the good work !
    I will start using it for a prototype porject that i will start soon.
    It will be based on GWT or FLex as frontend and Spring +Hibernate(Minute project+Blaze DS) on server side.
