Monday, November 18, 2013

Minuteproject with Ant HOW-TO

This is a sample ant integration

This page is a HOW-TO integrate Minuteproject with Ant build tool.

Set up


Minuteproject distribution

Download Minuteproject zip and install in MP_HOME directory.

Environment variable


Minuteproject config

Have you minuteproject configuration in MP_HOME/mywork/config or MP_HOME/demo/config.
 MP_HOME/demo/config is shipped with many configuration working with HSQLDB database located on the file system. 
For this article we will use mp-config-JPA2.xml

Ant Script

Sample ant script to place in MP_HOME/mywork/config or MP_HOME/demo/config.
The script has an ant macro that calls java command on Minuteproject kernel main class passing the minuteproject config.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project default="generation-sample" basedir="." name="MinuteProject - ANT integration">
 <description>This is a sample ant integration</description>

 <!-- ===================================================================== -->
 <!-- properties definitions -->
 <!-- ===================================================================== -->

 <property environment="env"/>
 <property name="minuteproject.home" value="${env.MP_HOME}" />

 <!-- ===================================================================== -->
 <!-- classpath definitions -->
 <!-- ===================================================================== -->

    this is used to get the minuteproject release, dependencies and config    
 <path id="mp.library.path">
  <pathelement location="${env.MP_HOME}/demo/config" />
  <fileset dir="${env.MP_HOME}/application">
   <include name="**/*.jar" />
 <!-- ===================================================================== -->
 <!-- macro definitions -->
 <!-- ===================================================================== -->
 <macrodef name="macro_generate">
  <attribute name="config" />
   <echo message="Generate for config @{config}" />
   <java fork="true" classname="net.sf.minuteProject.application.ModelViewGenerator">
     <path refid="mp.library.path" />
    <arg line="@{config}" />

 <!-- ===================================================================== -->
 <!-- ant generation tasks definitions -->
 <!-- ===================================================================== -->
 <target name="generation-sample">
      check that your configuration file mp-config-xxx  are place in 
   The ouput of the generation with go to the outputdir specified in the configuration
   If none it goes in ${env.MP_HOME}/demo/output
    this sample works with Minuteproject distribution.
    The configuration relies on a hsqldb database located on the file system.
    For advanced test check that the database is up and running at the url specified 
    in the url node of the configuration
        <macro_generate config="mp-config-JPA2.xml" />


The result will go to MP_HOME/demo/output

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